CREDITS: Leon Riskin: I used his FNaF Music as the backgroundmusic for this

You shoot the Tax notice papers from the IRS to ivade the legal system (this is just a joke pls don't sue me).

Simply click on where you want to shoot (indicated by the red sniper-dot)

When you die, a very original and not at all overused joke will play (check it out for yourself)

There is no goal, just the highest score possible.

(I added an option for those who aren't EPIC GAMER's and need help, simply press the enterbutton to make the skull follow your mouse)


Moai-Shooter_ The legacy of the

Install instructions

When you have installed the ZIP file you will need to find it, right click it and click on "open with" and then windows (the default windows folder). Then click around the files until it says something like "this file can't be run without extracting it, do you wish to extract?" press on yes and then click on the same thing you clicked earlier to run the game. I don't exactly know which file runs the game (since this is a game ported from scratch) but you will certanly find it somehow.

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